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Prof Andrea Ramírez Ramírez

Professor at Delft University of Technology


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I hold a bachelor in chemical engineering (Colombia), a master in Human Ecology (Belgium) and a PhD in the field of industrial energy efficiency from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. After my PhD I stayed at Utrecht University, first as assistant professor and then as associate professor at the Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development. My research focused on the assessment of carbon capture and storage and biorefineries. Four years ago I joint Delft University of Technology where I was appointed as full professor of Low Carbon Systems and Technologies in the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management. I am one of the recipients of the Delft Technology Fellowship for top female scientists, and since 2018 I am the Faculty’s Director of the Graduate Schools (overseeing the Doctoral Education program) and Editor-In-Chief of the International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control.  In 2019 I received one of the largest personal grants given by the Dutch Research Council (VICI-grant; 1.5 Million Euro) to model and assess the impact of using alternative raw materials in complex petrochemical clusters. My research focuses on the evaluation of novel low carbon technologies and the design of methodologies and tools to assess their potential contribution to sustainable industrial systems. The research is interdisciplinary in character and integrates my chemical engineering background with ex-ante techno-economic analysis, environmental life cycle assessment and system analysis.