Dr Lei Xing
Associate Member
University of Surrey
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Dr. Lei Xing joined the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Surrey, as a lecturer in September 2022. Prior to this, he worked as postdoctoral research associate in world-leading universities, including Loughborough University, University of Oxford, Purdue University, University of Birmingham, etc. Dr. Lei Xing received his PhD in Chemical and Process Engineering from Newcastle University in 2014. His research interest lies in the sustainable growth of chemical and energy industries via industrial decarbonation and AI-based digitalisation within the context of circular economy, emphasis on innovative carbon capture and utilisation, fuel cells, flow batteries, and electrolysis technologies for next-generation processes, devices, and systems. His current research focuses on the whole system thinking and optimisation of the industrial clusters consisting of advanced carbon capture and utilisation and intermittent renewable energy, in which AI-based adaptive optimisation, techno-economic analysis (TEA) and life cycle assessment (LCA) are performed to underpin the Net Zero target.