Prof Alex Cowan
Theme 1 Lead and Project Co-I
University of Liverpool
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I lead a research team that develops and studies catalysts for the sustainable production of fuels. Recent work has focused on the chemistry of carbon dioxide utilisation with programmes exploring how solar energy can be used to drive the production of useful fuels from only carbon dioxide and water.
I completed my PhD in Chemistry at the University of Nottingham (2007) on the study of inorganic reaction mechanisms with transient spectroscopy and postdoctoral positions at Nottingham developing catalysts for the reduction of carbon dioxide and Imperial College London to study photoelectrochemical water splitting. I was appointed to a Lectureship in Renewable Fuel Synthesis at Imperial College on the Artificial Leaf programme in 2011 and then joined the University of Liverpool 2012. I was promoted to Professor in 2019. Currently I hold an EPSRC fellowship (2012 – 2021) and I am the chair of the UK Solar Fuels Network.